Aubreigh Hoffman

There's a reason I'm faceless. I could be anyone. I am anyone.
I am a female who is living to learn with her husband's erectile dysfunction.
What makes me qualified to write this blog?
I have about five years of life experience of learning about erectile dysfunction.
I have ten years worth of knowledge of non monogamy in a happy marriage.
I proudly have three diplomas framed in my living room.
I have a bachelor degree in education and two masters degrees;
one in education and one in counseling.
I have a lot of letters after my real name.
Aubreigh Hoffman is my penname.
I definitely don't want to be recognized.
I want to go grocery shopping without being noticed. I want to go on a cruise with my family without someone recognizing me. I want to just be me.
I do want my work to be published, my thoughts heard,
& someone out there to say "Girl, I hear you!"
Stay tuned for more about my upcoming book, The Eggplant Diaries.